Innovative free-form technology based on high-precision molding of the eye

Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, the i-Form offers perfect vision, maximum wearing comfort and a slim, oxygen-permeable scleral lens.

No longer a standard procedure but based on an impression: for the i-Form scleral lens, the eye is «molded» using a «gel» and the impression is then measured using a 3D scanner.

Thanks to a maximum of 1,000,000 measuring points per eye: the finished i-Form later lies perfectly on the sclera - guaranteed without pressure points.

Powerful 3D scanner and innovative software


  • High-performance 3D scanner and innovative software.

  • Optimal support and pressure distribution on the sclera. Fits every eye, no matter how asymmetrical.

  • High-precision profile measurement: the impression of the eye is digitally scanned with approx. 1,000,000 measuring points.

  • Perfect vision at all times without slipping or feeling of pressure.

  • Unique wearing comfort thanks to perfectly fitting and slim, oxygen-permeable lens.

The innovative technology of the i-Form


Innovative software

In contrast to conventional scleral lens fitting with trial lenses, the fitting of the i-Form is completely software-based following a high-precision impression of the eye.


Powerful scanner

With a 3D scan of the eye impression, the geometry of the anterior segment of the eye, including all asymmetries of the sclera and limbus, is captured and transferred to the point of impact of the limbal bridging zone and the scleral landing zone of the i-Form.


Various methods

The BOZD is calculated using various methods. The aim is to bridge the entire cornea as evenly as possible. Any necessary decentration of the BOZD is also determined by the software as a best-fit sphere or best-fit toricity and therefore does not need to be adjusted manually.

Appenzeller contact lenses are exclusively available from your optician and ophthalmologist. For good reasons: They know exactly what kind of contact lenses are right for you and your eyes. Are Appenzeller contact lenses new to you?

Seven good reasons to get to know us:


Aus dem Herzen des Appenzellerlands in die Welt.

  • 1

    Adaptation success

    We do everything to understand your wishes and ideas to ensure your adaptation is a complete success.

  • 2

    Technical lead

    We go to great lengths in research and development to ensure that our contact lenses are always state of the art.

  • 3

    Swiss made

    We set the highest standards of quality for our production to ensure that our lenses meet your equally high expectations of Swiss made products.

  • 4


    We focus on permanent progress to ensure that upon every reorder, precisely the same lens as before is delivered.

  • 5

    Open ears

    Our specialist dealers will provide you with expert, personal and patient advice. For answers to every question – and to make sure you get the right contact lenses every time.

  • 6


    We make every contact lens on order specially for you to ensure they meet your needs 100%.

  • 7

    Long-term optical system

    Our aim is a long-term business relationship with you to ensure in turn that you can rely on us long-term.

Are you interested in our ?

Look for our specialist dealers near you:

Is there no specialist dealer near you?

Please send us an e-mail. We will respond to your query as quickly as possible:

Our recommendation for caring for i-FORM lenses – find out more from your optician or ophthalmologist:

Registration as authorised specialist dealer for the lens:

i-FORM lens from Appenzeller Kontaktlinsen

Care products from Appenzeller Kontaktlinsen



Appenzeller Kontaktlinsen AG
Hauptstrasse 22
9042 Speicher
+41 71 344 20 00

Technische Umsetzung

schwups GmbH
Hauptstrasse 33
9424 Rheineck

Konzept / Design

Studio Silvio Seiler
Speicherstrasse 5
9053 Teufen

Content Management System

Vanilla CMS | opensource made in switzerland
Half an hour of training and you can operate your website


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